Thursday, June 12, 2014
We are writing to inform you about an upcoming maintenance period for your Winity VPS.
As you may have noticed, the disk I/O performance of your VPS was not great due to the use of HDD arrays on our nodes. We have come to the conclusion that the only way to improve this greatly and make it future proof is to upgrade the storage to full SSD arrays. This upgrade will give you a great performance improvement.
After a research period, we have concluded that we are going to be able to migrate your VPS on to the new full SSD nodes easily. This migration will be live and will not require any downtime. Your VPS will be online and fully functional during the migration period and you will not notice a thing.
However, in order for us to do this live migration, we are going to have to prepare the old nodes. Unfortunately this preparation will require a node reboot.
The expected amount of downtime is around one hour and will happen on June 13 at 4AM CST (9AM UTC).
Please note that your IP will not change. Your VPS will be untouched and your data will be there on the new nodes.
We are sorry for this inconvenience and hope that you will enjoy this upgrade in performance.
Should you have any questions about the process, please open a ticket from the client area.